2024 Welsh Road Relay Championships

The Welsh Road Relay Championships will return to Pembrey Country Park (SA16 0EJ) on Saturday 7th September 2024. Course and race details are still be finalised but are likely to similar to last year - details below:
Last years course map can be found HERE
Team sizes are as follows;
Primary Boys (Children in year's 5 or 6 of Primary School): Run as Individuals, not relays and with teams of 3
Primary Girls (Children in year's 5 or 6 of Primary School): Run as Individuals, not relays and with teams of 3
U13 Boys / Girls (Competition is confined to competitors who are aged 11 or 12 on August 31st, prior to the commencement of the Competition Year): 4 in a team
U15 Boys / Girls (Competition is confined to competitors who are aged 13 or 14 on August 31st, prior to the commencement of the Competition Year): 3 in a team
U17 Men / Women (Competition is confined to competitors who are aged 15 or 16 on August 31st, prior to the commencement of the Competition Year): 3 in a team
Senior Men / Women: 4 in a team
Master Men / Women 35 / 45 / 55 / 65+ (Age on day is used for Masters Age-groups): 3 in a team
Please note: Master athletes can move to a lower master age-group in order to make scoring teams. Athletes may move to any lower age-group. U17 Athletes may not move up to senior teams.
This event will also be the selection event for the ERRA National 6 & 12 Stage Road Relay Championships. The complete selection policy can be found here.
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