Track & Field
Big Welsh Sports Day

We’re calling for all primary aged children across Wales to don their trainers and get involved in the Big Welsh Sports Day! in support of children’s charity the Youth Sport Trust’s National School Sport Week at Home.
School sports days bring people together and create fun memories and are for most children their first athletics competition and we don’t want people to miss out in 2020.
Starts at 11am! head out to the garden or out the font so your neighbours can see!
Stay Safe, stay social distanced, challenge your family or neighbours, but most of all have FUN!
You can choose any events to create your own sports day, from the egg and spoon race, to an obstacle race, to a race against your parents! The more creative the better, make sure you share your sports day photos and events with us using #FunJumpThrow and #NSSWtogether
Event ideas:
Egg & Spoon
The Classic - grab a spoon and an 'egg' [real one or any small ball] |
Bean Bag race | Get some objects, spread them out, shuttle back and forth to collect them all, then sprint to the finish. |
Standing Long Jump | Get the tape measure out - how far can you leap? |
Seated Shot put | Sit down, pick a ball, push from the neck and see how far you can throw it |
Obstacle Race | Get creative - over, under, skipping, water cups - the more fun the better! |
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