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Coaching Qualifications
There are two distinct roles and entry points into the British Athletics Coaching Development Pathway - as either a Leader or as an Assistant Coach.
All courses will run if a minimum number of 12 candidates are confirmed by the registration closing date. Course registrations will close on the advertised date, or as soon as the course is full. Maximum numbers are 16 on CiRF and Athletics Coach; 16 on Coaching Assistant and 20 on LiRF. Please register at your earliest opportunity to avoid disappointment.
Course Fees:
Leadership in Running Fitness: £160.00 (affiliated) / £200.00 (non-affiliated) - including mandatory safeguarding and first aid training
Coaching Assistant: £205.00 (affiliated) / £275.00 (non-affiliated) - including mandatory safeguarding and first aid training
Coach in Running Fitness: £395.00 (affiliated) / £445.00 (non-affiliated) - including Tier 2 Safeguarding
Athletics Coach: £395.00 (affiliated) / £445.00 (non-affiliated) - including Tier 2 Safeguarding
All course and workshop bookings are bound by the Welsh Athletics Terms and Conditions.
Please see below for full details of our qualifications.
Athletics Hub is the new booking system for all qualification and development opportunities for coaches and officials. This system is being used by all Home Country Athletics Federations and British Athletics. For more infomation on how to navigate Athletics Hub click here.
How To Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VzrpPhu01Y&feature=youtu.be
Please, follow the steps below to complete Safeguarding.
- Click on the link - Athletics Hub
- Book onto the safeguarding course – the course is athletic specific and therefore can’t be replaced with a different safeguarding qualification.
- Complete the online course
Please, follow the steps to apply for a DBS.
- Follow this link https://www.welshathletics.org/en/page/dbs
- Follow the guidelines on the page
- If you have a DBS send it to dbs@uka.org.uk and they will check if they accept it and add it to the system
Please, make also sure that you have uploaded a picture to my athletics portal (see link & guidance below).
Guide to upload picture:
- Log in to myathletics portal
- It opens on Summary page
- Click edit member image on the right
- Upload picture – no larger than 100x130 pixel, under 4MB
- Choose a portrait style picture
Once you have completed & passed your qualification a licence will be send to you with the next batch.
An exciting workshop for primary school teachers and those wishing to deliver athletics in curricular and extra-curricular time. The workshops are based on the Teaching Primary Schools Athletics resource and demonstrate teaching progression across primary school age groups in both generic and athletics specific running, jumping and throwing activities. The workshop involves:
•Interactive and practical activities
• An extensive Teaching Resource which includes:
- Two examples of Schemes of Work and two blocks of 6 week lesson plans
- Over 20 activity cards covering running, jumping and throwing
- A series of support cards on How to Measure a pupils progression and improvement, Top Tip Inclusion Cards, Team Relays and Timed Runs information cards.
Aimed at qualified and trainee teachers and those who support in the delivery of high quality sport and physical education in primary schools. The workshop aims to give the knowledge, skills and confidence necessary to deliver enjoyable and engaging lessons that focus on encouraging maximum participation and increasing understanding, skill acquisition, fitness and enjoyment of children.
The Resource
Run, Jump, Throw embraces a child’s natural desire to move. The resource focuses upon running, jumping and throwing, the building blocks of athletics, which in turn underpin nearly all other sports and physical activities. Within this resource teaches will find three teaching sections covering the main stages of development:
• Ages 5 - 7 Years
• Ages 7 - 9 Years
• Ages 9 - 12 Years
Course Details
Duration: 4 hours online course
Cost: Individual person price £50 (4 hours), Group Booking £450 (4 hours, minimum of 8 candidates) or £650 (6 hours, minimum of 10 candidates)
Maximum candidates per workshop: 12 online / 18 face-to-face
For more information please contact education@welshathletics.org
For upcoming course dates please click here.
An exciting Webinar-Based workshop series for Secondary School Teachers and those wishing to deliver athletics in curricular and extra-curricular time is now available.
The Workshop series is aimed at qualified and trainee teachers, as well as those supporting the management and delivery of high-quality sport and physical education in secondary schools and is packed full of useful teaching tips and ideas.
The workshop includes topics such as
- Teaching Running Events & Developing Pupils Engagement
- Teaching Jumping Events & How to deliver an Inclusive, Child-Centred Approach
- Teaching Throwing Events & Developing Schemes of Work and Lesson Plans.
Supporting Resources
Each workshop is accompanied by free access to the Secondary Schools App-based Resource, associated with the workshop topic (i.e. If you attend the running workshop you will get the Running Teaching Resource, but if you attend all three workshops you will get the full secondary schools bundle).
These resources include:
- Examples of Schemes of Work and Lesson Plans
- Technical tips on how to teach sprints, endurance, jumps and throws events
- Activity cards covering a full range of athletics events for pupils aged 11+
- Pupil Tasks Cards for greater independent learning
The resources associated with this workshop are provided via the Schools Athletics App, which has been designed to place running, jumping and throwing at the heart of school physical education, whilst supporting teachers in delivering athletics activities in an inclusive, exciting and engaging manner.a
Cost: Individual person price £60, Group Booking £650 (6 hours, minimum of 10 candidates)
Maximum candidates per workshop: 12 online / 18 face-to-face
While not a formal qualification the Leading Athletics workshop is ideal for those looking to lead athletic activities for young athletes; the perfect stepping stone towards the Coaching Assistant qualification.
Who is it for?
The workshop is widely used by schools, colleges and universities across Wales to deliver leadership requirements within the curriculum and includes:
- 3-hour interactive online course or a practical 3-hour workshop
- Workbook
- Support Resource - information on the roles and responsibilities of a leader, how to lead a fun and inclusive athletics session and on how to develop your leadership skills. Crammed with ‘Top Tips’ for effective delivery, it explores the key principles of running, jumping and throwing events whilst providing technical information.
- Set of Game Cards - how to set up fun and engaging activities which are designed to help introduce young athletes to the fundamentals of running, jumping and throwing.
- Interactive Leading Athletics App - compliments the workshop and allows users to interactively deliver activities and seamlessly link to other support resources (available on App Store and Google Play Store, this is not included in the price of the workshop).
Benefits for the Learner:
•Workshop and resources provide support to a programme of delivery
•A solid foundation from which to progress on to the formal British Athletics Coaching or Officiating Pathway
•Helps to develop generic leadership and delivery skills, which are vital in other areas of life
•Allows those who are not necessarily ‘sporty’ to take a full and active role in athletics delivery
•Improves self-confidence and potentially behaviour through taking responsibility for their own and others learning and enjoyment
Benefits for Organisations:
•A recognised award that is delivered across the UK
•Trains and develops enthusiastic volunteers who can help support the delivery of athletics activities in Wales, cultivating a more ‘committed workforce’
•Creates new leaders that can be utilised to deliver athletics activities within lunchtime and after-school clubs, sports festivals and tournaments, holiday schemes and community sports events
•In a school setting, athletics leadership has the power to positively improve pupils wellbeing, ability to learn, grow and develop as young adults
•Increased understanding and empathy with others helps to create a supportive and co-operative atmosphere
•Improved relationships between community groups, schools and local organisations
Cost: Individual - £25 per person to include Support Resource
Workshop - £350 per workshop (with up to 20 attendees)
To arrange a workshop for your organisation or athletics club please contact education@welshathletics.org
For upcoming course dates click here.
To register your interest in attending the course, please complete the Expression of Interest form. Once a course is set up, we will contact you to inform you that registration is open.
A Coaching Assistant will be insured to take a coaching role working under the supervision of a Coach (Athletics Coach or an existing UKA Level 2 coach or higher).
This qualification is aimed at Club volunteers, aged 16 and over, looking to get started on the Coach Development Pathway. This course is for those who wish to move towards being an Athletics Coach and to begin to gather experience making coaching decisions.
This course covers the basic fundamentals of movement with an introduction to the key principles of athletics; running, jumping, throwing and also includes wheelchair racing, over obstacles, as well as race walking. Also covered is the identification of the principles that underpin and improve performance, applying an athlete centred approach to delivery and a basic introduction to the energy systems. You will learn how to implement the best practice principles for organisation, group management and safety in a changing environment. In the practical element of the course you will use and develop appropriate session plans, practice coaching followed by peer review and develop technical awareness and skills.
When you have completed the course and received your Coaching Assistant licence you will be assisting in the delivery of athletics coaching sessions under the supervision of a qualified Coach. For participants under 18 years of age, this will mean ‘direct’ supervision, whereas for 18 years and above this will be ‘indirect’ supervision.
Course Details
Option 1) 2 days – a weekend course, usually between 9am – 5pm both days with classroom and practical activities
Online & Practical: 4 online modules (modules 1-3 approximatly 2 hours long + module 4 approximately 3 hours long) + 1 day practical (9am-5pm).
Cost: Affiliated: £205 Non-Affiliated: £275 (course cost have changed and now include the mandatory training module for Safeguarding and Basic First Aid)
Requirements: Minimum age for attendance is 16. Complete the mandatory training module including Safeguarding in Ahtletics and Basic First Aid.
Once you have purchased the Coaching Assistant course you will be able to access the Pre and Post course material and the mandatory training module via the 'Go to MyLearning' tab on Athletics Hub. For more information on how to find this material and navigate other parts of Athletics Hub click here.
Assessment – No assessment element. A Coaching Assistant licence will be awarded to attendees who have successfully engaged in the tasks and activities throughout the course and demonstrated engagement following any discussions with course staff.
For upcoming course dates please click here.
The Athletics Coach qualification will develop a coach’s technical knowledge and expertise across core event areas in run, jump and throw activities as well as specialising in the chosen Event Group area, supporting progress along the Coach Development Pathway.
This course is for anyone who has completed the UKA Level 1 Assistant Coach or UKA Coaching Assistant Award and who has spent a minimum of 6 months as an Assistant Coach and feels ready to take the next step to managing their own coaching groups.
Course Details
Duration: 3 contact days along with home study, planning and preparation for assessment. Days 1 and 2 are delivered on the same weekend and cover generic content. Day 3 is covered via online resources and covers technical content in chosen event group. Day 4 is an observed practical assessment or remote observed practical assessment.
Course Content:
- Physical preparation and literacy
- Jumping for Height and Jumping for Distance
- Throwing focusing on the principles of Push and Pull techniques
- Running fast, over obstacles, for endurance, wheelchair racing
- Role of the coach
- Athlete Centred Coaching
- Athlete Development Pathway
- Athlete profiling and short – medium term Planning
Event Group Technical Content: For full detailed information please visit the Athletics Hub website
Cost: Affiliated: £395, Non-Affiliated: £445 (includes Day 1 & 2, Day 3 online resources & Assessment Day + Safeguarding Tier 2)
Requirements: Minimum age for attendance is 18. Purchase and complete the online Safeguarding Module. You will need a mentor who has qualified as an Athletics Coach.
Assessment: Online knowledge test, mesocycle plan and observed practical assessment in chosen event group. For more information see the Athletics Coach Assessment Guidance.
Once you have purchased the Athletics Coach course you will be able to acess the Pre and Post course material via the 'Go to MyLearning' tab on Athletics Hub. All coaches are required to complete the pre course material prior to attending. For more information on how to find this material and navigate other parts of Athletics Hub click here.
Candidates embarking on this course must do so in the knowledge that it will require an investment in their time to complete the paperwork necessary for success at the assessment stage.
When qualified you will be insured to coach without supervision, working with Coaching Assistants and Athletics Leaders to support you in delivering the sessions.
For upcoming course dates please click here.
The image illustrates the Run Leader Development Pathway from Leader in Running Fitness to Coach in Running Fitness and the supporting workshops we provide along the way.
Please, fill out this expression of interest form for the workshops and we will contact you with course information https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=1-RDfO1nXUekdsPXx6hqNiu8DFfzVp1Loy2UyRs2tgdUNEcxWE9TT0FQU0ZPMkxLTjdEWUY2Vk84Si4u
Please, email education@welshathletics.org for any further information.
The Leadership in Running Fitness (LiRF) course will focus on the safe organisation of achievable and progressive running activity and how to lead a group of runners of varying ability.
It focuses on understanding and overcoming barriers to participation in running and how to increase participation by those not traditionally attracted to a running club.
On completion of the course, you will be qualified and insured to take a group of runners on a group run. You will also be eligible to complete the Coach in Running Fitness course where you will learn to make long term plans and progress for runners.
We run 2 formats of the LiRF course - watch the video to get an idea of which format suits you best (coming soon)
The Leadership in Running Fitness (LiRF) Online and Practical - Course Duration: Online Modules (self-paced) + 3 hour practical session
The Leadership in Running Fitness (LiRF) Online, Remote Practical & Virtual Classroom - Course Duration: Online Modules (self-paced) + 90min classroom session (zoom) + recording of 2x5min videos of Warm-up & Main Session
Course Details
Cost: Affiliated: £160 Non-Affiliated: £200 (price now includes mandatory training modules in Safeguarding and Basic First Aid)
- Minimum age for attendance is 18.
- complete mandatory training module
- DBS check
- For the remote assessment, you will require access to a qualified leader to supervise the session and a group of approximately 5 runners to demonstrate your understanding.
Furthermore, you will need to
- complete a DBS check https://www.welshathletics.org/en/page/dbs (if you have an enhanced DBS send a copy to dbs@uka.org.uk they will decide if they accept it and add it manually to your profile)
- Complete the mandatory training module including Safegurding in Athletics and Basic First Aid.
- upload a picture to myathletics portal Sign In | UK Athletics (same log in details as for athletics hub)
For upcoming course dates please click here.
This workshop is designed to be a ‘refresher’ for qualified Leaders in Running Fitness. The workshop will cover information and content that will have been introduced throughout the LiRF qualification, as well expand on and extend to content that may well be new. Delivered via an interactive virtual classroom, the overall aim of the workshop is to increase knowledge and confidence for Run Leaders across Wales. The 2 hour session is designed to be interactive and informative, giving participants an opportunity to reconnect with best practice ideas for delivering effective running sessions.
Topics covered and reviewed include;
- The Role of a Leader
- Athlete Development Model
- Plan – Do – Review Process
- Session Plan Summary
- Principles of a RAMP Warm Up and Cool Down
- Session Planning & Components of Fitness
- Best Practice ‘How 2’ and ‘What 2’ Skills
- Using the STEP principle
- Barriers to Participation
- Next Steps on the Run Leader journey
- Re-visit key topics covered during the LiRF qualification
- Develop a wider understanding of the role of a Run Leader
- Improve and increase confidence in delivery of running and walking activities
- Develop a further understanding of how to deliver well-structured and engaging running and activities
- Engage with a network of like-minded individuals and share in best practice ideas and discuss challenges around delivering to mixed ability groups etc
Pre-Course Information:
The candidates will have received pre-course information to familiarise themselves with the workshop content and prompt any questions around key themes that they would like to ask during the workshop
Having attended a previous Leadership in Running Fitness course or be LiRF qualified
2 hours
Movement Skills Part 1 is the first in a two part offering of workshops open to all Leaders and Coaches that focus on movement patterns that underpin all athletic events. Movement Skills Part 1 and Part 2 are both delivered as an online-based workshop.
Online bookings are now live on AthleticsHub.
- An introduction to movement skills to develop athletic performance
- Scientific theory of the demands placed on the body in performance
- Practical concepts covered to overcome the demands placed on the body
- Gain an understanding of the various training modalities
- Improved use of the body to perform
- An understanding of how to best challenge to perform
- Improved library of drills and exercises to implement
- The ability to implement drills and exercise within plyometric, strength and movement skill training
- Online-based workshop allowing users to complete in their own time – users can pause, replay and come back to the module so that they can go and practice activities, or take a break, without having to complete in one sitting
Leadership in Running Fitness, Coaching Assistant or higher.
It is strongly recommended that coaches complete the Movement Skills Part 1 online workshop before moving to the Movement Skills Part 2 workshop.
Movement Skills Part 2 is the second in a two part offering of online workshops open to all Leaders and Coaches that focus on movement patterns that underpin all athletic events.
Online bookings are now live on AthleticsHub.
- A reinforcement of the key concepts introduced in Movement Skills Part 1
- Develop your ability to coach movement based training
- An introduction to how the ability to move can influence injury potential
- Practical exposure to progressing and regressing drills and exercises based on athletic ability
- The importance of organising training strategies
- Enhanced understanding of Movement Skills Part 1 key concepts
- Your athletes have an enhanced opportunity to be more efficient movers
- Understand ways in which you can develop robust athletes
- An understanding of how drills and exercises can be tailored to an individual
- The ability to organise and deliver a structure progressive session
Leadership in Running Fitness, Coaching Assistant or higher
Recommendations: It is strongly recommended that coaches complete the Movement Skills 1 online workshop, then Movement Skills Part 2 online workshop.
1.5 hours (self-paced)
Energy Systems, Technical Model & Running Economy Online Workshop
This workshop is designed to help build an understanding of energy systems and how they are developed. The workshop will introduce themes that will be developed in the CiRF qualification, and this opportunity will be a great steppingstone to taking the next step in your qualification journey.
Delivered via an interactive virtual classroom, the overall aim of the workshop is to increase knowledge and confidence for Run Leaders across Wales. The 2 hour session is designed to be interactive and informative, giving participants an opportunity to create greater understanding of the session they are delivering and how to support the progression of individuals in their groups.
Topics covered include:
• Recap/ re-visit of ADM
• Understanding energy systems
• Planning for the development of the energy systems
• Exploring Running Economy: Technical Running Drills and the Technical Templates
Leadership in Running Fitness, Coaching Assistant or higher
1.5 hours (self-paced)
To view the workshop calendar, click here.
Athlete Profiling and Planning Online Workshop
This workshop is designed to introduce the benefits of athlete profiling and explore how to session design and programme aligned to athlete area of development and their individual goals. The workshop will introduce themes that will be developed in the CiRF qualification, and this opportunity will be a great steppingstone to taking the next step in your qualification journey.
Delivered via an interactive virtual classroom, the overall aim of the workshop is to increase knowledge and confidence for Run Leaders across Wales. The 2 hour session is designed to be interactive and informative, giving participants an opportunity to create greater understanding of the athletes they are delivering sessions to and how to consider.
Topics covered include:
• Understand how to profile your athlete
• Exploring session (microcycle) planning linked to athlete profiling
• Exploring programming linked to mesocycle goals
Leadership in Running Fitness, Coaching Assistant or higher.
Recommendations: It is strongly recommended that leaders complete the Energy Systems & Running Economy workshop before booking the Athlete Profiling and Planning workshop.
1.5 hours (self-paced)
To view the workshop calendar, Events for Coaching Courses (welshathletics.org)
For more information about the course or for help with booking, please email education@welshathletics.org
Guide Running Workshop
The Welsh Athletics Guide Running Workshop has been developed in partnership with Disability Sport Wales with contribution and support from Guide Dogs Cymru.
The 2-hour workshop is a mixture of theory and practical activities and provides attendees with information and experience in supporting visually impaired people to run.
The workshop will explore:
• Various types of visual impairment
• Tips for operating safely whilst guide running and how to make your running sessions VI friendly.
• The practical element will give the opportunity for attendees to experience guiding and being guided by each other in a suitable setting.
Those completing the workshop with an up to date and valid Leadership in Running Fitness qualification will also have the opportunity to join the Welsh Athletics / Run Wales register of recognised Guide Runners (as featured on the Run Wales website).
To view the workshop calendar, click here
The Coach in Running Fitness (CiRF) qualification is designed for those who want to get involved in coaching runners over the age of 12 that take part in non track based activities e.g. road, fell, cross country or multi terrain events.
The programme is primarily for those working with runners up to and including the event group development stage. All applicants must be active leaders or coaches who have completed as a minimum a Level 1, LiRF or Coaching Assistant course.
Please note that the CiRF qualification is about the broad application to non track based endurance running events and is not designed for coaches who want to work with runners taking part in track based endurance events such as 800m – 10,0000m or steeplechase. Those looking to coach these event groups should attend the Athletics Coach course.
Course Details
Duration: 4 contact days along with home study, planning and preparation for assessment. Day 1 & 2 delivered as a weekend and Day 3 is held 4-6 weeks later. There is then 10 - 12 weeks before Day 4, which is an observed practical assessment. The CiRF programme will take a minimum of five months to complete, however, once underway, applicants have up to two years to complete all elements.
A combination of classroom-based activity and practical sessions covering:
•Warm up and Skill Development
•Fundamental Running skills
•Testing and Monitoring (and their purpose)
•Introduction and development of HOW-2 skills (Observation & Analysis / Feedback & Questioning/ Safety / Organisation / Instruction & Explanation / Demonstration)
•Athlete centred coaching
•Athlete Development Pathway
•Athlete profiling and short – medium term planning
•Inclusive coaching
•Common causes of injury and using coaching observation and planning to prevent injury
•Risk assessments
•Factors affecting performance, principles of training and fitness components
Cost: Affiliated: £395 Non-Affiliated: £445 (includes Day 1 & 2, Day 3 & Assessment Day + Safeguarding Tier 2)
Requirements: Minimum age for attendance is 18. Purchase and complete the online Safeguarding Module. We encourage you to identify a mentor who has qualified as a Coach in Running Fitness and is able to help and support you on your journey.
Assessment: Online knowledge test, mesocycle plan (an 8 week training plan) and an observed practical assessment day. Click for full CiRF Assessment Guide.
Once you have purchased the CiRF course you will be able to acess the Pre and Post course material via the 'Go to MyLearning' tab on Athletics Hub. For more information on how to find this material and navigate other parts of Athletics Hub click here.
For upcoming course dates please click here.
Event Group Online Resources & Integration Day
The Event Group Coach programme, which offers specific Event Group Endurance running coaching, has been designed to provide licensed athletics coaches with a greater understanding and awareness of the issues involved in coaching athletes at the Event Group Development stage of the athlete development model (typically 14-18 years). Coaches who undertake this course will develop their technical knowledge and expertise across the individual events that make up event areas. There are currently four Event Group areas available; Sprints and Hurdles, Jumps, Throws and Endurance.
It’s important to note that candidates are not restricted to taking only one event group. We actively encourage candidates to get involved in coaching across event groups.
Featured links
Useful pages within this section you may like to consider visiting.