Track & Field
Evening of T&F Relays

Entries will close (TBC) (or when event capacities are reached).
Tuesday 3rd August
Age Groups –
- u15’s / u17’s / u20’s Female teams
- u15’s / u17’s / u20’s Male teams
Relay Races –
- 4x100m
- 4x200m
- 4x300m (u15’s Boys & Girls, u17’s Girls only)
- 4x400m (u17’s Boys, u20’s Boys & Girls only)
Number of entries per race for each age group/category = 8 relay teams in each race (no heats just straight final). Athletes can compete in more than one relay (all 3 relays permitted).
Cost = FREE
Medals – top 3 teams in each race
Register via email - To register a team please email barry.edwards@welshathletics.org with the names of 4 athletes per event. Registration emails must come from a club representative (Coach / Team Manager) and the closing date for entries will be 5 pm on 28th July.
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