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Official's Resources

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Here you'll find all the information, forms and resources needed to be an official with Welsh Athletics.

–  Take a look at the results of our 2020 Officials Satisfaction Survey here.

– Stay up to date on latest news, training, development opportunities SUBSCRIBE to the Welsh Athletics Officials newsletter.

Click here for the Code of Conduct for Technical Officials. 

T&F Outdoor Officials Event Availability form for 2024 events (May - August)

Part 2 T&F Outdoor Officials Event Availability form for 2024 events (April - August) 

If you would like to find more competitions to officiate at, please take a look at the full calendar of Welsh events on the website. 

Athletics has a set of rules for Competition and a series of official notification periods for proposed changes to them.

UK Athletics governs the Rules for Competition for the following disciplines:

  • Track and Field Competition
  • Road Running Competition
  • Cross Country Running
  • Fell and Hill Running
  • Race Walking
  • Trail Running

UKA Rules of Competition 2024-2026 [published April 2024]

2024 – 2026 UKA Rule Change Summary

2024 Conference videos 

Take a look at the news item Conference summary – back-to-back virtual Officials Conference weekends!

2022 Conference Videos

Take a look at the summary news item The Officials Conference Returns return in-person

Take a look at the news item 'Conference summary - The first #Unite Virtual Officials & Volunteers Conference'

Pre-recorded content is now avaliable for the following virtual workshops: 

Recruiting, Retaining and Valuing volunteers - Zoe Holloway, Eva Brewer & Barry Edwards 

Behind the scenes: Seeding & Results workshop – Darran Williams 

Presentation with Audio: 

Event Adjudicator Workshop - Nigel Jones (Race Organiser & UKA Level 4 Endurance Official) 

Officials & Volunteer Mental Well-being - Georgia White (Mental Health Professional)

*Instructions - click Slide Show then click From Beginning (the sound will start automatically). 

Presentation only for UKA T&F Officials Pathway Level 1-5 by Sue Maughan & Geoff Wickens. 

The Transition of Officials Roles and Repsonsibilities: UKA and Home Country Athletics Federations (HCAF’s) FAQ's 


From the 1st July 2022, all Officials will be required to complete the online Safeguarding course at the point of re-licencing. If you have already completed the Safeguarding in Athletics module as a coach/leader or as part of another volunteer role in athletics then there is not the requirement to complete it again until your licence is due for renewal.

Communities Of Practise webinars 

The webinars below have taken place. Click on the topic to watch on YouTube. Presentation can be downloaded where there is no recording.

2022 Conference videos

Which included topics:

Radio Protocol Officials webinar 

On the 16th September 2020, a webinar was delivered by John Driscoll National Level 4 Field Judge Official.

Description - From starting a call to ending one. Focus on brevity, clarity and some fundamentals to ensure you're following international protocols. Covering the controls (PTT, channel, squelch) and procedures applicable to anyone using a radio at athletics meetings up to national level.

Audience: Recommended Level 2 upwards.

Radio procedure for Athletics events handout 

TESS equipment Officials training video

Delivered by Rob Hooper Level 3 Starter Official. 

Description - step by step running through the set up of the electronic starting system in under 10 minutes. 

Audience - Starters/Starters Assistants all levels

EDM assembling videos

What does EDM stand for? Electronic Distance Measuring kit which is made up of 3 items inside the EDM box delivered by Bob Hammond. 

Assembling the parts:

Video 1 - Setting up and placement of the machiene

Video 2 - EDM Powering up and programming 

Video 3 - Tips & Tricks

OpenTrack Tutorials

Help Guides for Live Field data input 

Competition Management - Field Events - Live Recording - Vertical Jumps WATCH HERE 

Competition Management - Field Events - Live Recording - Horizontal Jumps & Throws WATCH HERE 

2021 Conference videos

Behind the scenes: Seeding & Results workshop  (Darran Williams)

  1. Seeding Part 1 WATCH HERE
  2. Seeding Part 2 (Championships) 

3. Field Results Input High Jump WATCH HERE

4. Field Results Input Long Jump WATCH HERE

The Role of an Event Adjudicator presentation including audio  (Nigel Jones)

Once you have opened the PowerPoint click Enable editing, next click Slide Show, next click From Beginning then the sound will start automatically. 

Role of an Event Adjudicator presentation

Athletics Hub, is the booking system for all qualification and development opportunities for officials. This system is being used by all Home Country Athletics Federations and British Athletics. For more infomation on how to navigate Athletics Hub click here.

How do you find your Athletics Hub URN and password?

How do you log in and book a course?

How to find course resources?

How do you find online courses not booked on Athletics Hub?

Direct link to the UKA Health and Safety Module

Direct link to UKA Safeguarding module 

Please click here for our DBS page.


To claim expenses for an event at which you've officiated, please complete and return an Expenses form to Zoe Holloway

The Officials' Expenses and Accommodation Policy is currently being reviewed. 



Track & Field Forms to use 2024 onwards

Progress Checkers

Discipline Checklist – Field 2024
Discipline Checklist – Starter 2024
Discipline Checklist – Starter Assistant 2024
Discipline Checklist – Track March 2024
Photofinish, Timekeeping and Race Walking to follow

Level 2 upgrade documents

When applying to become a Level 2 Official you should complete your RoE with a further 10 officiating experiences and the relevant discipline-specific questions. You will also need at least one feedback form from a higher-graded official within your discipline. 

Discipline Feedback Form

Level 2 Field Judge Questions 2022
Level 2 Photo Finish Judge Questions 2022
Level 2 Race Walking Questions 2018
Level 2 Starter/Starters Assistant Questions 2022
Level 2 Timekeeper Questions 2022
Level 2 Track Judge Questions 2022

Level 3 upgrade documents

When applying to become a Level 3 official you should complete your RoE with a further 20 officiating experiences and the relevant discipline-specific questions. You will also need at least two positive reports from two higher-graded officials within your discipline (one as Chief/Referee, except in Photofinish). 


Level 3 questions to follow during Summer 2024

Endurance Forms to use 2024 onwards

Level 2 questions

Sector Marshal

Judging & Recording


Level 3 questions

Course Director

Start / Finish Director



Track and Field pathway: Level 4


  • Complete all steps at Level 3
  • Register and attend Level 4 Officials Course and technology module of chosen discipline. This is facilitated by UK Athletics
  • Complete Level 4 questions and submit to Upgrading Secretary Sue Hooper. 


  • Show evidence of mentoring and self reflection within record of experience
  • Officiate at a minimum of 30 additional athletics meetings over two years (three years for photo-finish)
  • Obtain a minimum of six positive reports (Level 4 or above) – contact Sue Hooper to arrange these


  • Submit Level 4 application form, six positive reports and record of experience to Sue Hooper


Endurance pathway: Level 4 

  • Attend

    • Complete all steps at Level 3
    • Register and attend the Level 4 course. This is facilitated by UKA
    • Complete Level 4 questions and submit to your Upgrading Secretary Zoe Holloway


    • Officiate at a minimum of 20 additional meetings (at least 12 experiences in senior positions, at events outside of their home region or home country, at championship races including road/cross country relays, or road races with over 10,000 competitors. The 20 experiences must include both road races and cross country)
    • Show evidence of mentoring and self-reflection within your Record of Experience
    • Obtain a minimum of four positive reports (reporting official must be Level 4 or above) covering each of the below duties. Contact Zoe Holloway to arrange these:
      1. Referee or Assistant Referee
      2. Start Area Coordinator / Start Director
      3. Finish Area Coordinator / Finish Director
      4. Clerk of Course / Course Director.
    • This number can include the report that was submitted for accreditation to Level 3, provided that it is less than three years old at the time the application for accreditation is made.


Coffee Connect Chat Series


The last 12 months have been challenging, therefore it is really important that throughout this time everyone prioritises their own mental well-being. To reconnect the Officials/Volunteers community during this period we are launching the Coffee Connect Chat series.This series started with 'Time to Talk day' Thursday 4th February 2021.

Topic: Mental well-being with Guest Speaker Georgia White, Mental Health professional that has a vast amount of experience in both public and private sector. The Officials/Volunteers well-being session covered promoting positive mental health - the benefits linked with volunteering, the importance of mental well-being, and relaxation techniques. The session included real examples throughout and highlighted resources to visit for further support. 

If you missed the repeated session at the Welsh Athletics virtual Officials/Volunteers Conference 2021 here is the presentation with audio - Officials & Volunteer Mental Well-being 

OUR NEXT COFFEE CONNECT CHAT DROP IN - Wednesday 31st March 2021     18:00 - 19:00pm

We welcome you to join us for a virtual coffee/tea and to interact with friends in the officials'/volunteers community. 

Register in advance for this meeting HERE 

(After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting).

This session has no key topic just an informal catch up opportunity. 

Please get in touch with suggestions for future session topics

Also take a look at the Officials/Volunteers well-being calendar for March!


















Keep your mind active - some challenges for you:

Mental well-being - Bitesize Self Care series presented by Sarah Carvell Sport Psychologist Sport Wales

Introduction to Self Care 

How to practise Self Care

Challenges to Self Care

Self Care resources to help you

Coping with change presented by Louise Jones Lead Sport Psychologist Sport Wales

3 top tips to help you stay motivated during lockdown


Keep yourself activeWelsh Athletics 'Mile-A-Day' (MAD) Firebreak Challenge / Milltir Y Dydd 

Keep learning Webinar - Changes within the new UKA rules for competition 2020-2022. Delivered by Peter Crawshaw, Tim Soutar and John Temperton.

Webinar - Role of a field referee Delivered by John Driscoll. 

Webinar - Officiating Off-Track Endurance events from Grass Roots to Championships. Delivered by Arwel Williams & Graham Heeley. 

Webinar - Gadgets & Gizmos within T&F officiating (Part 1). Delivered by Steve Marshall. 

Webinar - The Role of Technical Manager Delivered by Mick Frazer. 

Put your officiating knowledge to the test with a series of officiating questions to help educate and reinforce learning for new and experienced officials:

These terms apply to any bookings you make for courses delivered directly by us, Welsh Athletics Limited, on the Athletics Hub website ( in any other format. Please read them carefully before you make any booking with us, as they set out important information about your and our rights and obligations.

Terms & Conditions

Level 1

  • Act as a judge in the respective discipline.
  • Officiate under supervision of a level 2 official.
  • Able to officiate on long throws events in the area of the throws sector (Field only).
  • Not able to act as a referee or equivalent (all disciplines).
  • Not able to able to act as chief judge for individual field events including long throws.

Level 2

  • Act as a judge in the respective discipline and as a clerk of course
  • Act as a clerk of course to prepare event sites and associated tasks thereafter.
  • Act as chief judge/Leader, on field events – this includes long throws.
  • Act as Referee/Chief for meetings at club/league/county level e.g. chief timekeeper, chief photofinish, field/track referee, chief starter, chief starter’s assistant
  • Able to complete feedback sheets for officials seeking to upgrade to level 2, after having served 2 years as a level 2 official.
  • Not able to act as a referee (all disciplines) at regional level.

Level 3

  • Act as a judge in the respective discipline.
  • Act as referee/Chief for meetings at league/county and regional levels.
  • Act as a technical manager or clerk of course at county and regional levels.
  • Able to write reports for officials seeking to upgrade to Level 2.
  • Able to write reports for officials seeking to upgrade to Level 3, after having served 2 years as a Level 3 official.