Track & Field
Welsh Athletics & Welsh Schools Indoor Combined Events Championships 2023

DATE: Sunday 5th November 2023
LOCATION: National Indoor Athletics Centre (NIAC)
This event will be a selection event for the Cardiff Met Schools Combined Events International on Saturday 2nd December 2023.
The selection criteria for this event can be found HERE
All entrants shall be deemed to have made him/herself familiar with, and agreed to be bound by the UKA Anti-Doping Rules and to submit to the authority of UK Anti-Doping in the application and enforcement of the Anti-Doping Rules.The UKA Anti-Doping Rules apply to entrants participating in the sport of Athletics, for 12 months from the [date of entry], whether or not the entrant is a citizen of, or resident in, the UK. [UKA website link]
U14, [School years 6,7 & 8], U16 [School years 9 & 10] & U18 [School years 11 & 12] age groups equal to U13, U15, U17 age groups and weights.
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