Track & Field
Welsh Senior & U15 Indoor Track & Field Championships 2024

Date: 27th & 28th January 2024
Location: National Indoor Athletics Centre, Cardiff Met University, CF23 6XD
Event Information:
Event Programme - Click Here
Final Timetable - Click Here updated 23-01024 @ 13:35
Athletes/Spectator/Coaches Event information - Click Here
Spectator tickets must be purchased on the day at point of entry to the facility.
SPECTATOR ENTRY: On entry to the building, spectators will need to purchase a ticket at the welcome desk. Spectators (aged over 11) Entry fee to be paid at the entry desk with a cost of £5 per person or a family of 4 (2 adults & 2 children under 16) at £12. U11’s will be admitted free-of-charge.
Coach Registration
A number of spaces have been reserved specifically for coaches.
Coaches MUST pre-register for the days they are attending using the links below.
Coaches Registration Welsh Championships Sat 27th & Sunday 28th January (office.com)
All coaches wishing to attend the event with their athletes will need to register no later than 17:00 on Friday 26th January using the following links and will need to present both their ticket QR code and coaching license on arrival at the venue
Car Parking - Download App Here
You can gain Time Tempo Credits by volunteering at our Championship events. Sign up here to Tempo Time Credits as a volunteer to gain credits at our events.
Tempo Time Credits can be exchanged for a wide variety of products, services and activities. Fun activities include entry to castles, bowling vouchers, tickets to music or sporting events.
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