Track & Field
West Wales Regional Track & Field Championships 2023

LOCATION: Carmarthen Leisure Centre Track
Entry Fee / Pris: 1 event = £6.00, 2 events = £11.00, 3 events = £15.00. Athletes can enter a maximum of 3 events in all age groups.
U13 & U15 athletes can only compete in one from the 800m, 1500m or 1000mW on the same day. There is a limit set for all track and field events.
Click here for the final timetable.
All athletes will need to sign in to collect their numbers and pins at least 1 hour before their first event.
Athletes will report directly to the event site - track events 10 minutes and field events at the time shown on the timetable.
Long Jump, Triple Jump, Shot, Discus, Javelin & Hammer: Due to the number of entries, athletes will have three trials each in throws and jumps, excluding vertical jumps.
There are two stands at the track, or spectators can bring their own chairs/tents with space situated around the track.
Parking is available for free at the leisure centre, with overflow parking situated at Queen Elizabeth High School.
South & East Wales regions will be incorporating their 1000m Walk and 1500m/2000m Steeplechase Championships at the event.
Age Groups
- U13 Boys & Girls = School Years 6 & 7
- U15 Boys & Girls = School Years 8 & 9
- U17 Men & Women = School Years 10 & 11
- U20 Men & Women = School Years 12, 13 & 14
- Seniors = School Years 15 to infinity
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